Plus Size Model Pictures

382 votes

I would like all of the styles with plus sizes available to have at least one photo of one of the plus sized models available. It does not need to be every color, but also some way to see the plus sized models, no matter what color I am interested in. As an example, I would never click on burgandy for Brooklyn (not my color) and yet that is the color that the 2X model is shown in. I am not going to get this style as pockets are non-negotiable, but the length is way better than I was expecting from some of the other model photos. I saw it from the meet the models page, but that isn't ideal. This is extra important because of the plus sizes being from a different fit model (yay!) so the lengths, etc do not directly translate. Thanks!

Also, related note, I would like a way to see what styles are available in plus sizes and/or planned so that I can think about things even if a specific size or color is out of stock!

Under consideration Website Suggested by: Beth Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 6

Comments: 6