Make inseam pockets invisible
Redesign inseam pockets on swing dresses so they don't add bulk at the hips/gape awkwardly
Comments: 5
04 Apr, '23
RLI would be so happy if the swing dresses just didn’t even have the pocket at all. Would be much more flattering.
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15 May, '23
Candy WalkerAgree, on the Sierra, a slim fit option
17 Jun, '23
roz MergedThe pocket style on dresses like the Rowena is unflattering and impractical; it drags the whole dress down with anything in it, bunches up on your hips, and shows through the dress. The pockets on the Sierra are flatting and useful; reconsider the pocket design maybe to be closer to the Sierra?
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21 Jun, '23
Moderator Admin"Fix pocket design" (suggested by roz on 2023-06-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Jul, '24
TroiColeThe only problem with the swing pockets is they pull the dress down when even a phone is in it, I don't understand the "it pokes out" complaints, they really don't. I object however to putting Sierra style pockets in since that would make the dress too casual to wear for my regular work days, I am actually really annoyed at the recent no-warning Willow redesign.