TALL AUDREY -- too much to ask?

13 votes

I would feel seen and heard if there were a TALL option for AUDREY. No offense but short people can get the item tailored to fit their shorter frame. But a tall person cant add a swatch of fabric to the bottom of the dress. (Yes, I know it takes more than that for a petite person --its's just airing my frustration.)

I hate to wear a high-water maxi, because then it limits types of shoes, leg wear or lack thereof.

I've waited for a tall Maxi or tall Audrey since she was introduced. Why not try one color like Black, Navy, or Wine and make it in tall. Judge the response. See if it's worth your while to expand. I guarantee, I would buy at least one basic if not two. And I would hope for a fun color later, after your wild success.

5'8" and above need 4" added. Heck if you add more inches than that, I will take it to a tailor myself to have it at my right length. Who's with me??? Make some noise!!!

Under consideration Sizing/fit Suggested by: Barbara Upvoted: 16 Apr Comments: 2

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